Monday, March 22, 2010

I am here!

My silly daughter hates it when the flash on the camera goes off so, she has taken to close her eyes when I take pics of her. I made this dress out of 4 t-shirts and since I took this pic, I added another layer of stripes at the bottom of the dress. It is really cute and she loves it.

Here is my sweet nephew and my daughter (don't look at the mess behind, and yes I really do do her hair, she just pulled out the bow and made a huge mess in her room while I was making lunch in the kitchen, has that ever happened to you??)in another t-shirt dress I made out of 2 old shirts, she has added her older sisters skirt to go underneath to add a little something more. Silly girl.

Ok, so recently I have been following The Lettered Cottage website. I love it!! Anywho, I love antiques and refurbishing old stuff to look awesome and new!! So, I took myself and 4 small kiddos to the local flea market (did I say I was by myself with 4 small kids, yep, I know crazy huh!) and found these 2 suitcases and the large trunk. Which I totally love. I wish I had hardwood floors, that will be for the next house checklist.

Sorry about the lack there of, of posts. I have started school and my hubby took my laptop to Utah with him. Of coarse my whole life is on here so, I had no way of posting because I do not remember anything. Here are some new posts, I hope you enjoy.

Right now I am doing a few hundred things at once, I am stripping my tabletop and staining it a dark color, I am painting and antiquing a dresser/desk thing, and I am writing essays for school, and taking care of three kids because it is spring break, AHHHHHHHh!!!